“I know of no more

encouraging fact

than the unquestioned

ability of a man to

elevate his life

by conscious endeavour.”

Henry David Thoreau

Leadership Coaching

Gain Clarity, a Broader Perspective and Better Focus

Your capacity to seek and learn from opportunities that will enhance your ability to perform is critical to taking your leadership to the next level. We provide confidential, one-on-one leadership coaching for leaders whose responsibilities demand new skills, complex thinking, and highly effective managerial and interpersonal competencies.

Attuned to your needs and designed for your success

We focus on developing specific leadership and managerial competencies where the greatest behavioural advantage can be expected, such as:

Palma Leadership Coaching Themes

Our executive coaching programs are:

Built upon research in leadership science, neuroscience and management science

Based on three decades of leadership development with executives working around the globe and positively impacting their productivity and bottom line

Custom-designed to suit the unique requirements of our clients’ leadership development needs

Confidential and delivered with the greatest of care through certified coaches

In person or by way of video conferencing, telephone conference and through WebEx meeting

With hands-on experience working with senior executives from multinational companies, our certified executive coaches are deeply grounded in the real world and specialize in:

  • On-Boarding for the C-Suite Leader
  • Development for the Newly Appointed Leader
  • Influencing Skills for Women Leaders
  • Developing New Generation Leaders